Compliance Video
Watch this video to see a real merchant and the lessons learned about PCI Compliance!
- Processed a credit card transaction at your business and noticed the receipts contained the full credit card number?
- Stored credit card numbers in a binder or on your computer in a spreadsheet for recurring billing?
- Configured your router or computer and used a easy, generic password such as 1-2-3-4?
- Had your terminal go down and started keeping credit card data written in a spreadsheet on your computer to charge the client later?
- Imprinted a card and written down the CVV data (3-digit security code on back or 4-digit code on the front of the card)?
- Not renewed your anti-virus software on your computer?
- Spent years storing your receipts in a shoe box in your back office?
We've created this website and our account validation wizard not just for you, but for ALL merchants and customers of Electronic Payments. This is a free service provided by Electronic Payments. There is no charge to use PCICompliance.info or complete the SAQ. Our goal is to assist you in becoming fully compliant with the PCI Data Security Standard and ensuring your account is protected against the potential occurrence of your cardholder data getting into the wrong hands.
PCI Compliance is a standard of security established for any business that processes credit cards. Whether you have a computerized POS system, process over a phone and do manual imprints, process through a credit card terminal or have an e-commerce website taking orders, PCI establishes a series of best practices and minimum security protocols that must be observed for your business type. More information on these business types is located in the Learn More section of the website.
In addition to a private organization (The PCI Security Standards Council) formed from many of our industry's leading companies, the United States government has also become involved, passing bills into law such as FACTA (the Fair Accurate Credit Transaction Act) which has elements that control how YOU process credit cards.
Electronic Payments, an industry leading payment processor and your trusted processing partner, has created this website to assist you in becoming fully compliant with the PCI DSS standard, no matter what your business size, how you process, or what your past experience with PCI compliance is. In the spirit of partnership, we have also disclosed to the right our PCI compliance expenditures which have gone to assist your business as well as tens of thousands of other businesses nationwide.

Protect Your Account From Association Fines and Penalties*
At no upfront cost, you will have the option of extending your 1-year of account protection to additional years of protection. There is no charge to use PCICompliance.info or complete the SAQ. EPI will shield you from Visa® and MasterCard® Association Fines and Penalties as a result of non-completion of the SAQ after you validate your account.*
If you have not completed your Annual SAQ via our validator and/or have an open IP address for processing that has not been scanned, you may be receiving a charge of $20 per month for not providing that information to us.
EPI Expenditures Incurred on PCI Compliance 2008
2008 Compliance Upgrades and Maintenance (Hardware, Software, Subscriptions): $362,000
End to End Encryption of EPI Front-end (secures dial-up and IP traffic with AES Encryption): $189,000
PCI Compliance Security Audit by a QSA: $25,000
Postage, Handling and Materials Sent to Merchant Clients About PCI Compliance: $23,000
MasterCard® RAMP Audit: $20,000
Costs Incurred Updating Old Payment Applications and Swapping Pinpads/Terminals/etc.: $13,000
Secure Encryption Room for TG3/ANSIx9 Compliance: $10,000
Annual DES and 3DES Key Maintenance: $10,000
Annual TG3 Audit for Secure PIN Encryptions: $5,000
What Are We Doing?
We are...
Assisting you in completing an SAQ (Self Assessment Questionnaire) for your business - It's a Visa® requirement
Providing End to End Encryption of EPI Front-end transactions
Financially shielding you against Visa® and MasterCard® Association fines*
Providing ongoing training and support
Communicating annually with you about our website AnnualSAQ.com to help renew your compliance in just 5 minutes per year!
*Fines directly attributed or caused by a merchant's non completion of the annual SAQ. Limit $5,000 per year if the SAQ has been completed. Breach, hack, fraud, or other events are not covered. We provide no insurance or other guarantees in providing the SAQ online for you to complete. Outward facing IPs require scanning by a qualified security assessor for all devices processing transactions over the Internet.